Junior Review for Visual Arts Majors – Deadline April 13

To be considered for Senior Thesis studies, Junior Visual Arts Majors should submit the following:
- A cover sheet with your name, email, phone number, FIDN, and your thesis advisor.
- 10 to 15 high-quality jpgs (or pdfs) of your work, or approximately 10 minutes total of film/video pieces.
- A list of all the art and art history courses you have taken and are currently taking, along with the grades you have earned in those completed courses.
- A maximum 300-word statement about the thesis idea you intend to pursue. Discuss concept, medium, and stylistic approach.
- Email your documents and portfolio, with the Subject line Junior Review Submission to Mark Street, Visual Arts Program Director, mstreet@fordham.edu, and Anne Clark, Senior Executive Secretary, aclark49@fordham.edu, by 5:00 pm, Tuesday, April 13.
We strongly encourage you to consult a full-time faculty member for help both in selecting your portfolio works and writing your statement!
Artist Talk with Leigh Davis
Artist Talk with Ian Burnley
Spring Majors Meeting – Mar 4

Thursday, March 4
Contact Amie Cunat at cunat@fordham.edu to be invited to this Zoom talk.
Visual Arts Majors Meeting

Wednesday, October 21, 2:30 – 3:30pm
Contact Amie Cunat at cunat@fordham.edu to be invited to this Zoom talk.
Celluloid Series #1

Features 5 short films rented from the illustrious and irrepressible Filmmaker’s Coop. Remembrance of a Portrait Study is a haunting portrait of the filmmaker’s mother. The Floor of the World explores the ephemera of yesteryear and invites uncanny, dreamlike associations. Stranger Baby explores the word ‘alien’ with all its xenophobic baggage, and Harbour City takes us to the vibrant colorful world of Hong Kong streets. American Hunger travels from Philadelphia to the slave forts of Ghana to explore collective memory. Thanks to the Arts and Sciences Deans Faculty Challenge Grant.
Link to Screening
password: fmcoop
Join us for a Zoom discussion on Wednesday October 7 at 6 PM
Please email MStreet@fordham.edu or rossgmclaren@gmail.com for a Zoom invitation.
Graphic Design Student Exhibition

The Graphic Design instructors in Visual Arts are pleased to present the best student work from the Spring 2020 semester in an online exhibition.
Fordham Student Film Festival 2020
Student films made in Visual Arts classes Film Video I, Film Video II and Film Video Post Production. Some films deal with our current situation, others take us to imaginary worlds.
Call for Submissions
Journal of the Plague Year: An Archive of CoVid19
The Visual Arts Program has initiated a partnership between Fordham University and Arizona State University (as well as other schools across the country) to contribute to a remarkable public archive of materials related to how the CoVid19 pandemic is affecting our lives on a local level. You can submit images, text, videos, tweets, Facebook posts, Instagram or Snapchat memes, screenshots of the news, emails — anything that speaks to the moment. Here is a link to a fuller description of the project. Here is a link to the archive’s submissions page.
In the “Your name, as the contributor” field, add Fordham University after your name. This will allow us to search for your submission on the back end of the website and publish it more quickly. At some point in the not-too-distant future, there will be a Fordham Featured Collection that contains all Fordham submissions in one place.
In the “Description” field, add #FordhamUniversity.
Important: At the end of the form, check “Publish my contribution on the web.” If you don’t check this box, your submission will remain private and not appear on the website.
To see what other Fordham students have submitted so far, search “Fordham University” in the search bar at the top of the home page. Please contact Artist in Residence Casey Ruble at caseyruble@gmail.com if you have any questions or need help making your submission.