Case Study Tokyo 2014 Book
By Fordham University Gabelli School of Business students Domingo Amaro Chacon, Suzette Dorrielan, Marie Georgantzas, Irene Hartnett, Sam Houston, Samuel Hysell, Jennifer Jenkins, Alice Smyth, Melissa Tan, and Alberto Torrado Aguilar Cauz. Edited and designed by Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock. Print Book, 146 Pages, 7 × 7 in. (18 × 18 cm).
Take one part working methodology from the famous 1972 book, Learning from Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form, combine with the megacity of Tokyo, add ten Fordham University Gabelli students, stir for nine days in Japan and what do you get? You get direct acquisition of knowledge through experience with a small team, realized in an online, as well as hardback research volume focusing on branding, sensory marketing, architecture, design, photography, and urban planning.
Click HERE for online case study.
Click HERE for book.