Category: Graphic Design

BENCHMARKS: Seven Women in Design | New York ?>

BENCHMARKS: Seven Women in Design | New York


The DailyHeller on BENCHMARKS

From June 10 through August 15, Center Gallery at Fordham University Lincoln Center Campus, Lindsay Reichart and Abby Goldstein are pleased to present the exhibition Benchmarks: Seven Women in Design | New York.” In the past half a century women have gained prominence and recognition in what was a male dominated profession. This exhibition is curated to give homage to seven remarkable designers who practice in New York and have made significant contributions to graphic design. These designers include Louise Fili, Carin Goldberg, Paula Scher, Gail Anderson, Eileen Boxer, Elaine Lustig Cohen, and Lucille Tenazas. The exhibition features work that exemplifies a pivotal point in their direction or approach to their design practice. Through this exhibition, the extraordinary creative voices of seven designers are revealed, and the relevance of their design and their role in shaping the future of design celebrated.
June 10–September 15 | 113 West 60th Street, NYC
Hours: Monday–Saturday, 10am–8pm

For further information, please contact Lindsay Reichart C: 631.875.9714 or or Abby Goldstein: T:718 852 5048 or

Carin Goldberg, The School of Visual Arts Senior Library, 2004, hardbound,
offset on paper,10 ¾ in x 7 3/8 in


Carin Goldberg, Punctuation, 2004, silkscreen, 40 in x 26 in


Eileen Boxer, Ubu Invitations, 1995 – 2007, Ubu Gallery, various sizes and


Eileen Boxer, Ephemera transformation
Lucille Tenazas, To Infinity and Beyond, silkscreen, 48 in x 37 in
Lucille Tenazas, Moto Group Cards and Envelopes, Green Card, 9 ½ in x 6 in,
1994, offset on paper
Paula Scher, Dancing on Her Knees
Paula Scher, Him
Gail Anderson, Lucky Serif Dream Book, 2011, offset on paper, 7 ½ in x 5 in
Gail Anderson, Axl Rose: The Lost Years, 2000


Elaine Lustig Cohen, Mies Van der Rohe, 2001, 35 ¾ in x 24 ½ in
Elaine Lustig Cohen, A Millionth Anniversary 1958, offset on paper,


Louise Fili, Le Monde, 1999, offset on paper, 2 ¼ in x 11 ½ in
Louise Fili, Calea Nero d’Avola, 5 in x 3 in, 2008, wine bottle, offset on paper

NYC D.O.T directional compass design competition ?>

NYC D.O.T directional compass design competition


Navigating our city’s streets can be a confusing experience when traveling to unfamiliar neighborhoods for residents and visitors alike. Subway riders face a special challenge as emerging from the station to the street can prove disorienting to even seasoned New Yorkers. To help improve the situation, NYCDOT is requesting design proposals for orientation elements to aid pedestrians on route to their destinations as they exit from below grade subway stations or descend to the street from above ground platforms.

A total of sixteen sites (three in the Bronx, four in Queens, five in Brooklyn, and four in Manhattan) have been pre-selected by NYC DOT with input from some of the participating schools (the Fashion Institute of Technology, Parsons The New School of Design, and Pratt Institute). Fordham University used the exercise for a spring class, and will be also included in the final exhibit). in NYC to be invited to participate in this design competition for the NYC Department of Transportation.

Above: examples of student proposals from Cathcart’s and Goldstein’s design and architecture classes, Spring 2008.