Category: Photography

Half-Frames: Photographs by J. Joseph Lynch, S.J. ?>

Half-Frames: Photographs by J. Joseph Lynch, S.J.

Half-Frames: Photographs by J. Joseph Lynch, S.J.
Curators: Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock & Anibal Pella-Woo

The Lipani Gallery
Fordham University at Lincoln Center
June 1 – July 31, 2013
Reception: Wednesday, June 5, 6 – 8 PM

Half-Frames brings together twenty-one prints made from the original color transparencies held in the personal archive of J. Joseph Lynch, S.J., a mathematics and seismology professor at Fordham University from 1950 to 1967. He also ran the William Spain Seismological Station at Fordham University’s Rose Hill campus for some 60 years. Through our research at the Fordham University Archive, we were pleased to discover that J. Joseph Lynch, S.J. was an avid photographer, as well as a teacher.
The title Half-Frames refers to the dimensions of the original color transparencies utilized in this exhibition, which are one half the size of a standard 35mm frame. This smaller format was often chosen because it doubled the number of images that one could make from a single roll of 35mm film and was more cost effective. Consequently, it was often used to document topics of a personal nature and was generally utilized in a more casual manner. Our edit from a much larger set of slides made in the 1960s by J. Joseph Lynch, S.J. displays this trend and highlights his spontaneous approach to documenting travels, events, people, and places. Our criteria for image selection stemmed from our mutual enthusiasm for his images, which resonated with contemporary directions in photography from the period such as the snapshot aesthetic and interests in the vernacular within the medium of photography.
We would like to give special thanks to Patrice Kane at the Fordham University archive housed at the Rose Hill campus’ Walsh Family Library for facilitating this exhibition. Her initial suggestion to look at several photographs of icebergs held in the archive started us on a winding investigation that resulted in the exhibit that you now see before you. Although there are no icebergs in this exhibition, the image of the iceberg, with all its hidden potential, is an appropriate metaphor for an archive – what you see at first is only a small part of the picture.
Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock & Anibal Pella-Woo, 2013

For additional information please see the Fordham University Visual Arts Department’s Gallery Website. Alternately, email Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock, or Anibal Pella-Woo

Fordham University Friends of Films for Photographers/Professor Pics ?>

Fordham University Friends of Films for Photographers/Professor Pics

A daring, collaborative evening between Fordham University Friends of Films for Photographers and Professor Pics (Selected by Professor Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock & Professor Ross McClaren).

Berberian Sound Studio by Peter Strickland, 2012, will be screened at 6PM in the film classroom on Thursday, April 18 (in Bluray!).

“A sound engineer’s work for an Italian horror studio becomes a terrifying case of life imitating art.”

Bonus feature: Dario Argento’s Inferno. Come enjoy the horror…

Introducing the Hayden Hartnett Project Space ?>

Introducing the Hayden Hartnett Project Space


Image from the 2010-2011 Hayden Hartnett Portfolio
Printed by Apollonia Colacicco, 2011
Fordham University is proud to introduce a new exhibition venue at its Lincoln Center Campus: the Hayden Hartnett Project Space. The space presents yearlong exhibitions of work produced by students from the Department of Theatre and Visual Art.

The location of the Hayden Hartnett Project Space in the Office of Undergraduate Admission in Fordham’s Lincoln Center both showcases student work for an extended period of time, as well as introduces prospective students and their parents to the high caliber of visual work produced at Fordham University. The Hayden Hartnett Project Space is inside the Office of Undergraduate Admission on the second floor of the Leon Lowenstein building and is open during Fordham University operating hours from 9 to 5.
Please visit our website: haydenhartnettprojectspace.comto see our current, past, and upcoming exhibitions in the space, as well as to see the 2010 Hayden Hartnett black & white portfolio from her participation in the Documentary Photography: Japan course offered by the Visual Arts Department. Our mailing list signup form is located on the site; so one can stay informed of what is showing in the Hayden Hartnett Project Space, as well as in our two additional university galleries.
For more information, please contact gallery director Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock at <>

Documentary Photography: Italy 2013 ?>

Documentary Photography: Italy 2013

This intensive class will introduce you to the basic and advanced techniques of image production with a major emphasis on generating documentary projects directly relating to the people, architecture, and culture of Italy. The cosmopolitan city of Rome, rich with artistic history, will serve as the source for our daily photographic explorations, as well as the catalyst for discussions addressing the historical significance of the documentary impulse.

Our studies and production will take us from exhibitions in progressive contemporary art galleries, to the ancient architecture of the Coliseum as we utilize the wealth of visual stimuli as a resource, as well as a backdrop against which to critically discuss the strategies that documentarians utilize in communicating their interests.

(4 credits) With Professor Joseph Lawton & Professor Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock. VART 3500: Documentary Photography: ITALY program cost: $2,375 + tuition (includes: housing, breakfast, supplementary insurance, and most course activities. Airfare is not included). Program Dates: July 4th to August 1st. For more information please contact: Professor Apicella-Hitchcock ( Application deadline: March 21.

The 2012 Program Book:
R, Edited by Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock & Joseph Lawton

The 2011 Program Book:

R, Edited by Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock & Joseph Lawton

Faculty Spotlight 2013 ?>

Faculty Spotlight 2013

Faculty Spotlight 2013
Joseph Lawton, David Storey, Mark StreetThe Center Gallery
Fordham University at Lincoln Center
December 17, 2012 – February 14, 2013
Reception: February 7, 2013, 6 – 8 PM

An exhibition sampling works from members of the Visual Arts faculty at Fordham University. Please view a selection of works and statements by the artists at the Visual Arts Department’s Center & Lipani Gallery website.

The artists:

Joseph Lawton, NY State Fair, 20″ x 16″, silver gelatin print, 2011
I have selected eight photographs for this year’s Faculty Spotlight Exhibition. Four from Italy, where I have spent the past three Julys teaching in Rome, and four from the New York State Fair up in Syracuse. Syracuse is my hometown and I have returned each year for the past thirty years to photograph the Fair.

DavidStorey-110411 0005

David Storey, “Greeny,” 2011, 8″x10″
I have been making paintings centered on the fluidly permeable boundaries of image and abstraction since moving to New York from California thirty years ago.  I brought along a love of picture making, anecdote and color that were key elements of a Bay Area regionalism that shaped my work as a young painter.  Over the subsequent years there has been a gradual movement towards a transcendent clarity of the incidental over the anecdotal in both image and in the paint itself.  I still make abstract ensembles that function as figurative events and simultaneously occupy an equally non-literal yet compelling spatial and chromatic arena.
Mark Street, Wanderlust, 4 monitor video installation, silent, 2012
An update of the concept of the flaneur; with abstract intrusions.  Urban peregrinations recorded in Paris and NYC.

Fordham University Friends of Films for Photographers ?>

Fordham University Friends of Films for Photographers

Yasujiro Ozu’s Tokyo Story (Tokyo Monogatari) follows an aging couple, Tomi and Sukichi, on their journey from their rural village to visit their two married children in bustling, postwar Tokyo. Their reception is disappointing: too busy to entertain them, their children send them off to a health spa. After Tomi falls ill she and Sukichi return home, while the children, grief-stricken, hasten to be with her. From a simple tale unfolds one of the greatest of all Japanese films. Starring Ozu regulars Chishu Ryu and Setsuko Hara, the film reprises one of the director’s favorite themes—that of generational conflict—in a way that is quintessentially Japanese and yet so universal in its appeal that it continues to resonate as one of cinema’s greatest masterpieces.

Please join the Fordham University Friends of Films for Photographers and the participants in the 2012-2013 Documentary Photography: Japan course for a screening of Yasujiro Ozu’s Tokyo Story.
Yasujiro Ozu’s Tokyo Story, 1953
Friday, December 7, 2012, 6 PM
Fordham University Friends of Films for Photographers
113 West 60th Street, Visual Arts Wing, Room SL24H
For more information please contact Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock:

R (Documentary Photography: Italy 2012 Book Release) ?>

R (Documentary Photography: Italy 2012 Book Release)

By Tessa Abrahams, Corina Aparicio, Emily Atwood, Massiel Garcia, Cecilia Iliesiu, Jacklyn Krakowski, Donovan Longo, Joseph Mottola, Catherine Murphy, Michael, Raganella, Jacqueline Tozzi, Aubrey Vollrath, Jessica Wendroff, Xuan Zheng; Edited by Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock & Joseph Lawton

R is the final culmination of the 2012 course “Documentary Photography: Italy” offered by Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock & Joseph Lawton through the Department of Theatre and Visual Arts at Fordham University.

The book is 174 pages, 10×8 inches (25×20 cm), with four-color printing and can be ordered in softcover, or hardback in a range of paper grades. Preview the entire book here.

The course description is as follows:

A sampling of photographs from participants in the Fordham University 2012 Documentary Photography: Italy program. Over the course of one month in Rome this intensive class introduced students to the basic and advanced techniques of image production with a major emphasis on generating documentary projects directly relating to the people, architecture, and culture of Italy.

The cosmopolitan city of Rome, rich with artistic history, served as the source for our photographic explorations, as well as the catalyst for discussions addressing the historical significance of the documentary impulse. Our studies and production brought us from exhibitions in progressive contemporary art galleries, to the ancient architecture of the Colosseum as we utilized the wealth of visual stimuli as a resource, as well as a backdrop against which to critically discuss the strategies that documentarians utilize in communicating their interests.

For further information please contact: Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock

Fordham University Friends of Films for Photographers ?>

Fordham University Friends of Films for Photographers

“The first image he told me about was of three children on a road in Iceland, in 1965. He said that for him it was the image of happiness and also that he had tried several times to link it to other images, but it never worked. He wrote me: one day I’ll have to put it all alone at the beginning of a film with a long piece of black lead-in; if they don’t see happiness in the picture, at least they’ll see the black.”
Please join the Fordham University Friends of Films for Photographers and the participants in the 2012-2013 Documentary Photography: Japan course for a screening of Chris Marker’s 1983 film, Sans Soleil. Documentary? Travelogue? Essay-film? Come see and decide for yourself.
Chris Marker’s Sans Soleil, 1983
Friday, October 19, 2012
6 pm until 9 pm
Fordham University Friends of Films for Photographers
113 West 60th Street, Visual Arts Wing, Room SL24H
For more information please contact Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock:

Documentary Photography: Japan 2012-2013 ?>

Documentary Photography: Japan 2012-2013

This intensive class is designed as a platform for intermediate and advanced level students to further develop their photographic production with an emphasis on generating documentary projects focusing on the people, culture, and architecture of Japan.
The megacity of Tokyo will serve as the starting point for our investigations, with image making itineraries that will take us from the cosmopolitan ward of Shinjuku, to the center of youth culture in Shibuya; and from the cutting edge fashion districts of Harajuku, to the temples and shrines of Asakusa. Concurrent with our photographic explorations we will examine contemporary exhibitions in venues such as the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography in Ebisu, as well as view the ancient collections housed in Japan’s oldest and largest museum, the Tokyo National Museum in Ueno.

Traveling by Shinkansen bullet train at 300 km/h (186 mph), we will make our way south to Kyoto, the nexus of traditional Japanese culture and history with approximately two thousand temples, shrines, and gardens that we can utilize as both the catalyst and stage for our photography. The extraordinary wealth of visual stimuli we will experience in Japan over ten days will certainly inspire, as well as function as the backdrop against which to critically discuss the strategies that photographers employ in communicating their interests.

The course will conclude in New York City during the spring semester where participants will work together with the instructor to edit, design, and produce a professional quality book of their photographic projects, including essays detailing the richness of their experience abroad. Prior to traveling to Japan there will be relevant readings and film screenings to serve as preliminary introductions to aspects of Japanese culture. Japanese language skills are not a prerequisite; however, prior completion of Photography One (VART 1124), or Digital Photography (VART 1128) is essential. Class meeting times are demanding and participation in the course necessitates a healthy attitude towards exceptional amounts of walking.

The latest 2011-2012 book:

The 2010-2011 book:

VART 3001 – Documentary Photography: Japan 
Dates: 12/27/2012 – 01/06/2013 
Credits: 4
For more information, please contact Professor Apicella-Hitchcock at