Junior Review for Visual Arts Majors – Deadline April 13

To be considered for Senior Thesis studies, Junior Visual Arts Majors should submit the following:
- A cover sheet with your name, email, phone number, FIDN, and your thesis advisor.
- 10 to 15 high-quality jpgs (or pdfs) of your work, or approximately 10 minutes total of film/video pieces.
- A list of all the art and art history courses you have taken and are currently taking, along with the grades you have earned in those completed courses.
- A maximum 300-word statement about the thesis idea you intend to pursue. Discuss concept, medium, and stylistic approach.
- Email your documents and portfolio, with the Subject line Junior Review Submission to Mark Street, Visual Arts Program Director, mstreet@fordham.edu, and Anne Clark, Senior Executive Secretary, aclark49@fordham.edu, by 5:00 pm, Tuesday, April 13.
We strongly encourage you to consult a full-time faculty member for help both in selecting your portfolio works and writing your statement!