NYC D.O.T directional compass design competition ?>

NYC D.O.T directional compass design competition


Navigating our city’s streets can be a confusing experience when traveling to unfamiliar neighborhoods for residents and visitors alike. Subway riders face a special challenge as emerging from the station to the street can prove disorienting to even seasoned New Yorkers. To help improve the situation, NYCDOT is requesting design proposals for orientation elements to aid pedestrians on route to their destinations as they exit from below grade subway stations or descend to the street from above ground platforms.

A total of sixteen sites (three in the Bronx, four in Queens, five in Brooklyn, and four in Manhattan) have been pre-selected by NYC DOT with input from some of the participating schools (the Fashion Institute of Technology, Parsons The New School of Design, and Pratt Institute). Fordham University used the exercise for a spring class, and will be also included in the final exhibit). in NYC to be invited to participate in this design competition for the NYC Department of Transportation.

Above: examples of student proposals from Cathcart’s and Goldstein’s design and architecture classes, Spring 2008.

Imaging Black Culture ?>

Imaging Black Culture

Imaging Black Culture 
A lecture by Deb Willis (NYU)
November 12 11:30 am LL 816
presented with the generous support of a 2008-09 Dean’s Challenge Grant
reception to follow the lecture


Visual Arts Events ?>

Visual Arts Events


Rick Frankel and Fred Krughoff discusses the Semantic Web and Standards — why should you care?

Monday, Sept. 29th at 6:30 in the Visual Arts Crit room

The Semantic Web is about structuring the content of web pages — extending xhtml to make web pages accessible to users and other computers. From a designer’s standpoint the most important part is separating the look of a website from the content. Rick’s presentation will discuss the how and why this is important for the future of the web.

“The Semantic Web is an evolving extension of the World Wide Web in which the semantics of information and services on the web is defined, making it possible for the web to understand and satisfy the requests of people and machines to use the web content”. Wikipedia said that.

Rick Frankel is a brilliant programmer, who has over 30 years experience in information technologies planning, data systems design and development, his expertise includes XML/XSLT, SOAP, /RPC, HTML, Java, C/C++, Perl and Ruby. Rick began his career earning an M.F.A. in Electronic Visualization from the University of Illinois, Chicago, then at Bally Corp. where he designed and worked on many coin-op video games including Professor Pac-Man and GORF (Galactic Orbiting Robot Force).
He is a former Senior Principal Consultant for such giants in the industry as Sun Microsystems, and the Oracle Corporation. Rick is currently President of cyberCode consulting.

Fred Krughoff is a Visiting lecturer at Fordham University Lincoln Center on the Design and the Web.