New Books—Digital Photography Volumes 2 & 3 Out Now ?>

New Books—Digital Photography Volumes 2 & 3 Out Now

The speed at which one can learn the principles of traditional analog photography during a typical school semester is relatively quick. Things are humming along smoothly by week number seven, with students having a working understanding of camera operations, film processing, and the development of contact sheets and prints. Around week seven, we begin to switch gears from focusing on the technical to concentrating on meaning and communication strategies. The remaining eight weeks are devoted to exploring what one wants to say about the world, how to go about it, and how to read and discuss photographs.

The speed at which one can learn the principles of digital photography is absurdly accelerated compared to traditional photography. Within the first five classes, we are already up and running and understand camera usage and how to employ the computer for image management, adjustment, and output.

Three months ago, these students were pushed into the deep end of the photographic pool of digital photography and asked to swim almost immediately. They rose to the challenge admirably. Their selections for this book represent their speedy technical proficiency; moreover, their images show their intelligence, distinct personalities, and concentrated engagement with the world.

Enough said, enjoy! —Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock

Digital Photography Volume 2

Digital Photography Volume 3

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